CVBC Bylaws – Objection to Ministry Approval (Re: Inclusion of Ear Cropping Ban)
We would like to thank you for your support this past year in backing petition published by Association for the Preservation of Purebred Dogs on Nov 19, 2014
1858 signatures were collected and sent off to the College of Veterinarians of British Columbia in efforts to stop a ban on ear cropping for dogs. Unfortunately the petition and the letters sent in by Kennel Clubs had no effect and Approximately 195 BC Licensed Veterinarians voted in the proposed CVBC revised bylaws on ear cropping. Many voiced their concerns for safe access to surgery and animal welfare, but it was not enough.
This however is not final until it is read and approved by the Minister of Agriculture. We are asking all signatory of the petition to send in a letter to the Honorable Norm Letnick in Objection to Ministry Approval (Re: Inclusion of Ear Cropping Ban).
As time is not on our side we have provided a sample letter that can be quickly signed or edited as you see fit, then sent email and/or regular post to the address provided.
It will take a warranted amount of support in order for this objection to hold true. So whether you reside in Canada or not your letter is essential in stopping bans in other Provinces/Countries. If you reside in a Province/country in which these bans have been implemented than we urge you to write so that people know the truths about how Veterinary Bans have affected the Purebred Dog in your area.
Would hate to consider the consequences if all of Canada falls under these types of bans. Let us speak up today so that there is a tomorrow.
The Association for the Preservation of Purebred Dogs
Athens, Ontario K0E 1B0